Below you may find all announcements related to our company.
Announcements in 2024
- 2.12.2024 | Announcement Regarding the CMB Approval of Debt Instrument Issuance
- 14.11.2024 | Announcement Regarding S&P Global Ratings' Credit Rating
- 13.11.2024 | Announcement Regarding the Long-Term Loan Agreement’s Payment Dates
- 6.11.2024 | Announcement Regarding the Redemption of the TRFTCELK2417 Financing Bond
- 5.11.2024 | Announcement Regarding the Interest Rate of the Financing Bond with ISIN Code TRFTCELK2417
- 31.10.2024 | Announcement Regarding the Application to the Capital Markets Board to Issue Debt Instruments
- 23.10.2024 | Announcement Regarding the Release Date of 3rd Quarter 2024 Financial Results
- 21.10.2024 | Announcement Regarding the Completion of Acquisition of the Remaining 33.3% Shares of Sofra by Our Company's Subsidiary TÖHAŞ
- 10.10.2024 | Announcement Regarding the Financing Bond Issuance
- 10.10.2024 | Announcement Regarding the Redemption of the Bond with ISIN Code TRFTCELE2415
- 30.9.2024 | Announcement Regarding the Signing a Long-Term Loan Agreement
- 19.9.2024 | Announcement Regarding the Decision to Issue Lease Certificates
- 19.9.2024 | Announcement Regarding the Board of Directors Decision to Issue Debt Instruments
- 19.9.2024 | Announcement Regarding Fitch Ratings’ Credit Rating
- 9.9.2024 | Announcement Regarding the Closing of the Share Sale Transaction of Subsidiaries Operating in Ukraine
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