SUBSIDIARIES AND AFFILIATED COMPANIES IN TURKEY ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION SERVICESSUPERONLİNE İLETİSIM HİZMETLERİ A.Ş.Superonline İletişim Hizmetleri A.Ş, which offers service under the brand of Turkcell Superonline, was established to provide voice, data, and video communication solutions to its individual and corporate customers in 2004.
Rehberlik Hizmetleri A.Ş. was established to provide guidance and value-added services, develop infrastructure and operate these services in 2007. Rehberlik Hizmetleri Servisi A.Ş. provides number inquiry and name inquiry services, inquiry services for the financial sector, law offices, and asset management companies, data services for the financial sector and law offices and asset management companies, data update services for the banking sector and companies working on a subscription base, and value-added guidance and information services, accessing to up-to-date guidance databases of telephone operators.
Turktell Bilişim Servisleri A.Ş., was established to participate in the companies that provide services at information technologies, entertainment, and value-added GSM, improve, sell and market these services in 2000.
İnteltek İnternet Teknoloji Yatırım ve Danışmanlık Ticaret A.Ş, which operates under the İnteltek brand, provides main dealership, system operation and risk management services in the scope of the sports betting management.
Lifecell Dijital Servisler ve Çözümler A.Ş. was established to provide digital service and develop products and service under the Turktell Bilişim Servisleri A.Ş. in 2020.
Lifecell Müzik Yayın ve İletim Hizmetleri A.Ş, which operates under the fizy brand, was established to operate as a media service provider and offer on-demand broadcasting service inside and outside Turkey in 2020.
Lifecell Bulut Çözümleri A.Ş, which operates under the Lifebox brand, was established to provide personal cloud application where photos, videos, documents, phone directories and music can be stored safely in 2020.
Lifecell TV Yayın ve İçerik Hizmetleri A.Ş., which operates under the TV+ brand, was established to offer its users a unique online viewing experience by bringing together hundreds of domestic and foreign live TV channels, films that can be watched on-demand, series, cartoons and documentary content on a single platform in 2020.
BİP İLETİŞİM TEKNOLOJİLERİ VE DİJİTAL SERVİSLER ANONİM ŞİRKETİBiP İletişim Teknolojileri ve Dijital Servisler Anonim Şirketi was established in 2020 to provide users with instant, fast and secure messaging, high quality voice and video calls via the application on their internet-connected smartphones or tablet terminals. The application is used by millions of users in 192 countries, and there is no requirement to be a Turkcell subscriber to use.
FINANCING AND PAYMENT SERVICESTURKCELL ÖDEME VE ELEKTRONİK PARA HİZMETLERİ A.Ş.Turkcell Ödeme ve Elektronik Para Hizmetleri A.Ş. (TÖHAŞ), which operates under the brand of Paycell, was established to provide the best service with its innovative payment methods and significant customer experience in 2000. It continues to provide services in a broad spectrum with the payment agency license acquired from The Banking Regulation and Supervision Authority in 2017 in addition to the electronic money license received in 2016.
As a single platform that combines all the services, Paycell application facilitates physical and online shopping processes; such as, bill payments, fuel purchase without leaving the car, Turkcell invoice payment and package loading; enables money transfer to phone numbers 24/7 and payments with QR.
TÖHAŞ participated in the establishment of Sofra Kurumsal ve Ödüllendirme Hizmetleri A.Ş. in 2018, with equal shares with Belbim Elektronik Para Ve Ödeme Hizmetleri Anonim Şirketi and Posta ve Telgraf Teşkilatı Anonim Şirketi. TURKCELL FİNANSMAN A.Ş.Turkcell Finansman A.Ş., which operates under the brand of Financell, was established to transfer Turkcell’s quality to the finance sector to provide flexible payment solutions to individual and corporate customers’ equipment needs through financial loans in 2015. Financell received its operational license from the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency in 2016. As a young company, Turkcell Finansman A.Ş. became one of the most important players in the Turkish financing sector thanks to its financial support for the customers, which enables them to reach to the technology demanded. TURKCELL SİGORTA ARACILIK HİZMETLERİ A.Ş“Turkcell Sigorta Aracılık Hizmetleri A.Ş.”, which provides insurance agency services under the Güvencell Insurance brand, was established in 2018. The products offered by Güvencell Insurance could be reached through Turkcell’s sales channels. Operating in the field of insuretech, Güvencell Sigorta aims to facilitate the lives of its customers with its fast and trouble-free service approach. SERVICESKULE HİZMET VE İŞLETMECİLİK A.Ş.Kule Hizmet ve İşletmecilik A.Ş., which operates under the Global Tower brand, was established to provide tower and infrastructure services in 2006. Operating in three countries, Global Tower became an international player by establishing, BelTower LLC in Belarus in 2016. Global Tower provides the infrastructure needs of telecom operators, the media, ISPs, and the energy, public and private sectors. The main areas of activity are leasing services, build-and-sell services, contract management services, maintenance services, and satellite services. CALL CENTER SERVICESGLOBAL BİLGİ PAZARLAMA DANIŞMANLIK VE ÇAĞRI SERVİSİ HİZMETLERİ A.Ş.Global Bilgi Pazarlama Danışmanlık ve Çağrı Servisi Hizmetleri A.Ş., which operates under the brand of Global Bilgi, was established to provide customer services and introduce innovative solutions for customer experience in 1999.
Acting as a strategic partner to the customers, Global Bilgi addresses the needs of 70+ companies, including Turkcell and aims to increase customer satisfaction.
In communication with the end customer; Global Bilgi, which manages many channels; including, face to face, telephone, voice and video response systems (IVR and IVVR), e-mail, SMS, webchat, new generation customer experience platform BiP chat, and social media, handle service journeys of the firms from end to end to provide a unique customer experience thanks to its service design team. SOLUTIONSTURKCELL ENERJİ ÇÖZÜMLERİ VE ELEKTRİK SATIŞ TİCARET A.Ş.Turkcell Enerji Çözümleri ve Elektrik Satış Ticaret A.Ş., which operates under the Enerjicell brand, was established to lead the change in the energy sector and provide the best customer experience in the market in 2017. Enerjicell serves eligible residential and commercial customers all around Turkey.
Enerjicell, which conducts its actions with a sustainability focus, completed renewable energy projects by installing solar panels on the roofs of selected Turkcell Group buildings. Additionally, Enerjicell contributes to the goal of a more sustainable and habitable world by offering affordable, innovative and green energy solutions to its customers. TURKCELL SATIŞ A.Ş.Turkcell Satış A.Ş. has been offering electronic products to its customers in the field of technology retailing for years through online and retail channels. Since 2020, it has been operating under the "Pasaj" brand, bringing Turkcell's assurance to a prominent marketplace in the e-commerce sector. Our company provides quality service to customers with hundreds of different categories and thousands of products, and in a short time, it has become one of the leading players in the industry with customized campaigns, high product quality, and various payment options.
TURKCELL TEKNOLOJİ ARAŞTIRMA VE GELİŞTİRME A.Ş.Turkcell Teknoloji Araştırma ve Geliştirme A.Ş., which operates under the Turkcell Teknoloji brand, was established to innovate competitive services and products using information and communication technologies in 2009. Turkcell Teknoloji continues to conduct its R&D activities and provides solutions in Customer Relations and Channel Management, Mobile Marketing, Mobile Internet Services, Terminal and Mobile Applications, Business Intelligence, SIM Assets and Services. Management, Mobile Financial Services, International Roaming Solutions, Location, Messaging, Call Based Services, Value Added Services encompassing smart capabilities, and M2M Services.
Turkcell Gayrimenkul Hizmetleri A.Ş. was established in 2008 to buy, sell, lease any property on its behalf or behalf of its customers and make constructions on the properties owned by the firm or others.
TURKCELL DİJİTAL İŞ SERVİSLERİ A.Ş.Turkcell Dijital İş Servisleri A.Ş., which operates under the Turkcell Dijital İş Servisleri brand, was established to become the Digital Transformation Partner of its customers, in a wide range from SMEs to large enterprises and public institutions. Turkcell Digital Business Services provides solutions in various sectors such as transportation, finance, health, education, logistics, manufacturing, retail, energy and tourism. Besides traditional telecom and IT services, Turkcell Digital Business Services offers advanced emerging technologies; such as, industry solutions, artificial intelligence, IoT (Internet of Things) and big data analytics. Turkcell Digital Business Services addresses the technology needs of enterprises by creating value-added and competitive solutions together with a brand new business model.
Beltel Telekomünikasyon Hizmetleri A.Ş. was established in 2008 to directly participate in Belarus GSM operator BeST (CJSC Belarusian Telecommunications Network) and indirectly participate in Lifetech LLC.
TÜRKİYE’NİN OTOMOBİLİ GİRİŞİM GRUBU SANAYİ VE TİCARET A.Ş.The field of activity of Türkiye’nin Otomobili Girişim Grubu Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş., whose 23% of the shares are owned by Turkcell Gayrimenkul Hizmetleri A.Ş., is to produce electric cars and to carry out its supporting activities.
CJSC Belarusian Telecommunications Network (BeST), which operates under the brand name of life:) joined to Turkcell Group in 2008, provides mobile telecommunication services in Belarus. In 2009, BeST became the first operator to offer 3G services in Belarus. Since 2016, BeST has been providing 4G services on the LTE infrastructure established by beCloud, the only 4G infrastructure provider in Belarus. BeST is expanding its digital services portfolio by combining communication infrastructure and content, while strengthening its position as a digital operator in the Belarusian mobile market by enriching the digital experiences of its customers with increasing 4G user and digital service penetration. KIBRIS MOBILE TELEKOMUNIKASYON LIMITED ŞİRKETİKıbrıs Mobile Telekomünikasyon Limited Şirketi, which operates under the Kuzey Kıbrıs Turkcell brand, was established in 1999 in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus to provide telecommunication services. Kuzey Kıbrıs Turkcell became the first integrated digital operator to provide convergence services to customers in both GSM and fixed internet as a whole with Lifecell Digital Limited Company, which was established in 2017 to provide fixed internet services in the TRNC. In addition, with the Solar Power Plant established in 2019, it is the first company in the TRNC and among Turkcell Group companies to have a Solar Power Plant. Kuzey Kıbrıs Turkcell became the first operator to launch 4.5G in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus on 7 September 2023 by acquiring the widest frequency band in the 4G/5G tender held in 2022, and launched this service in Northern Cyprus within 10 months with 99.6% population coverage, providing its customers with up to 10 times faster internet infrastructure. LIFECELL DIGITAL LIMITED ŞİRKETİLifecell Digital Limited Şirketi (LDL) was established to offer internet service provider service under the framework of Kuzey Kıbrıs Turkcell in 2007.
DIGITAL, GAMING AND ENTERTAINMENT SERVICESLIFECELL VENTURES COOPERATIEF U.A.Lifecell Ventures Coöperatief U.A., was established to realize Turkcell’s vision to expand its digital services (OTT) and technology solutions (ICT) in Holland. Lifecell Ventures guides the digital transformation strategy of foreign companies through collaborations with international operators and partnerships. The expansion of the international digital solution partnership portfolio continues thanks to the diversification of our digital service and technology solutions and the provision of strong collaborations around the world.
Lifetech LLC was established in Belarus in 2012 to provide a full range of software development and system integration services. In addition to being one of Turkcell Group's software development centers, Lifetech LLC provides a full range of consulting, implementation and support services in the areas of software development, enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, information security, big data, artificial intelligence, enterprise IT solutions and digital channel development to customers in various industries in Belarus and the Commonwealth of Independent States. Since 2019, Lifetech LLC has been operating as a member of the Belarus HighTech Park.
www.lifetech.byFINANCING AND PAYMENT SERVICESPAYCELL LLCPaycell LLC was established to diversify services offered to lifecell subscribers and extend the use of Paycell products in the Ukrainian market in 2017 in Ukraine. Paycell LLC obtained its money transfer and e-money services license by the National Bank of Ukraine in 2018. As of 2019, Paycell users can make payments for public services, online games, internet and TV services and transfer money from their mobile accounts or e-wallet to their bank cards.
Beltower LLC was established as a subsidiary of Kule Hizmet ve İşletmecilik A.S. in 2016 in Belarus. Beltower, which has the right to rent the towers of BeST, Turkcell’s subsidiary in Belarus, signed rental agreements with other operators and firms in Belarus.
Information provided on this page is for summary purposes. Detailed information about Turkcell’s subsidiaries could be found in the annual report.